A situation that one is 'boxed' into that is very awkward.
Usually this situation offers no way out
samantha - "Hey bob, are you gay?"
bob - "....no?"
samantha - "it's okay you can tell me"
bob - "I'm seriously not"
samantha - "look guys, it's so cute how he's denying it"

this situation is "awks in a box"
by the bauss^2 December 16, 2010
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an awkard situation usually caused by a weird mix of people or an uncomfortable environment
guy 1: Hey man how was josh's party?

guy 2: It was hella awk nobody was grinding and it was a weird mix of people.

guy 1: awe that sucks.
by norwegian sky August 24, 2010
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A slang phrase that's said in a really awkward moment.
by imJK February 13, 2011
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totally akward; akward in an extreme sense
When Ms. B flipped on CJ it was tots awk
Ms. Dowty is tots awk in general
by Kate Mahorney November 7, 2007
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when your ex is at your current boyfriend/girlfriend
birthday party thats awk af
by jude2015 December 25, 2011
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Variation of cock block; when someone awkward joins the group/conversation causing the person trying to get laid to get cock blocked
Person 1: Bro, did you get some last night?
Person 2: No, fucking John showed up and made everything awkward so we decided to call it a night
Person 1: Get awk blocked, bro -_-
by Hashed Brown June 19, 2011
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Extremely awkward. Variation of "awk", originates from Doctor Octopus or "Doc Oc" from the Spiderman series.
"It went dead silent after she spoke...It was seriously doc awk"
by Chantal and Sean May 24, 2007
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