The practice of striking against or rioting towards the disestablishing or demolition of a building or public location.

Usually spelled incorrectly.

Can you spell antidisestablishmentarianism?
by NinjaKai March 26, 2008
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Means almost fake being against being against the government.
Guy 1: Did you see that guy with his opinions on the government? Even he doesn't know what he wants!

Guy 2: Yea, I think he supports quasi-pseudo-antidisestablishmentarianism
by Tyler T March 22, 2005
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This Word Has An Amazing 28 LETTERS!

This word is really good for practicing the vowel sound in English! Because there is so many vowel sounds in here!
An-ti-dis-e-stab-blish-ment-air-ria-nism (Antidisestablishmentarianism)

Meaning :
Being opposed to the separation of church and state.

It's a word that nowadays we don't quite use it at all. But in the past it may be a little bit more common.
person 1 : I'm Antidisestablishmentarianismntɪ:dɪseˌstablɪʃm(ə)ˈtƐ:rɪənɪz(ə)m)
person 2 : What???
person 1 : Oh. Sorry I'm being opposed to the separation of church and state.
person 2 : Ohhhh...
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 19, 2022
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A random word only anyone knows or cares about because it's really long (though it's not actually the longest)
I know the word antidisestablishmentarianism! Cue vigorous clapping
by Walkable cities October 19, 2022
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A word used by kids who wants to show off their skills by pronouncing hard and/or long words
Antidisestablishmentarianism: the opposition of the disestablishment of the church of england
by Stīk. May 5, 2019
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Antidisestablishmentarianism is opposition to a breaking away from an established church. Antidisestablishmentarianism is used to specifically refer to people who opposed withdrawing support of the Anglican Church of England during the 1800s.
by h3lp_6290 March 11, 2022
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