(n.) 1. Lowest-tier personal injury lawyer possible. Shows up at the scene of accidents/hospitals because he/she has no current casework, and probably no legal expertise, let alone being able to afford an office to work out of.

2. Zombie/Vampire/Necropheliac- cult follower looking for blood/medical supplies/cadavers -- the weirdest people in the entire world.

3. Any lazy or undermotivated individual persuing a half-baked get-rich-quick scheme.
The ambulance chaser showed up in the hospital emergency rooms with business cards that had been printed on construction paper
by Al. October 10, 2003
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Pretty much self defining, one who chases around ambulances. Ok, to be more specific one who chases ambulances in order to file class action and personal injury lawsuits in the name of fighting for the little guy.
by P. Dizzy October 13, 2004
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A lawyer who doesn't have any clients
Look at the Abulance Chaser
by Cryogen-x September 20, 2003
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A durogatory phrase used to refer to personal injury attourneys.
"That lawyer isn't any good, he's just another one of those ambulance chasers."
by _Fabricated_ September 21, 2003
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When you get so drunk you wake up in a hospital strapped down to a bed with an IV in your arm arriving there in an ambulance not knowing what just happened.
Miranda was so ambulance drunk last night she had to rely on her friends to pick her up from the hospital.
by hotmess.com June 6, 2010
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A lawyer who specializes in injury cases. Called an ambulance chaser beacuse that's how they find there clients.
No one takes his lawyer seriously. He's just an ambulance chaser.
by Anonymous September 22, 2003
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