acronym for Wack Off Master Beats All the Time can also be spelled with 2 T's
I caught my brother jacking again, he is a total WOMBATT
by monty l November 15, 2007
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1) What to call one of your mates if he won't come to the footy with you....
2) Standing for W.Women, O.Over, M.Mates, B.Beer, A.And, T.Television
3) Comes in close use of the term pussy whipped
Hey pal you coming to the footy with us tonight??
Nah sorry mate, goin to see a movie with my girlfriend
Oh, ya fuckin wombat
She's got ya real pussy whipped hasn't she??
by Juicecake October 9, 2005
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An amazing, cuddly, adorable little critter that is more than just the biggest marsupial!!

Comes in three designer types:

Egyptian, German, African
OHMIGAWD look at those wombats!! HE IS SO POOPIN CUTE!!
by TayGoo February 16, 2008
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When siblings have previously shared a womb. As a result, they can share any space they are given without getting in each other's way.
Paula and Carla are wombies for life!

Paula and Carla were wombates for nine months.
by Booster1215 February 27, 2010
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The act of "un-sticking" ones testicles from their legs via a small short-bursted hop/jump/rocking motion. Normally used in a repetitious manner for approximately 2-5 seconds. Can be used in a side-to-side or front-to-back manner.
Sorry, I had to wombat! It's hot as hell out here!
by a wombater May 20, 2011
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The act of pushing back the foreskin of an uncircumcized penis and throwing said dick into the belly button of a larger proportioned woman, as if you are rereleasing an animal back into the wild.
I made an amateur porn the other night in my bedroom with sarah and did the wombat...too bad man vs. wild is already a show title.
by Mike Carini March 23, 2009
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In the being of wombat. To have lots of the power of the wombat.
The is a mighty sword of wombatness.
by whirlweed or the wombat lord October 6, 2003
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