a fag
hey did u see a fag. I did I was at trents house and he looked in the mirror.
by ow us May 16, 2016
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To trent is to leave suddenly without a real reason.
Hey that fucker invited us all to play basketball and then left, hes trenting so hard right now.
by Omer The Muslim March 27, 2015
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1. A queer bait with a tiny penis.
2. A fucking faggot ass bitch motherfucker who nobody likes.
3. A gay male who likes to take it in the ass; also known as buttsex.
1. "He is such a Trent!"

2. "Wow, what a Trent."

3. "Ew, gross! I bet he's a Trent!"
by whathefuk February 8, 2010
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1 a: a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in sales
b: a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of sales glory
c: one who is an acknowledged leader of selling

2 a: Adjective synonymous with totally cool. See totally cool.
b: Although it's now used as another word for cool, it literally means something so amazing, one is in awe seeing it.
c: The highest rank of a 'cool' saying to describe a person(s). Trent is greater than cool, wikad, sick, super, kick-ass, and mega put together.

1: "That dude's a Trent. I saw your Trent. I have to go to this Trent. That Trent closed the deal underwater in pirahna infested waters while rescuing a kidnapped chicken in under an hour."

2 a: "That's Trent! And by Trent, I mean totally cool"

b: "I was struck with awe when I witnessed Anna's video editing skills. It was Trent."

c: "Duuuuuuuuuuude.... that video is so Trent!"
by AnnaBananarama May 20, 2008
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- is a massive weeaboo

- sexually identifies as The Kool-Aid Man
- is a dirty Doc main
- likes long walks on the pier

- is Kaleb's best friend
- Ross sucks
Trent's life is shitty when he isn't with his best friend.
by heyheyhoh~! November 27, 2017
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A young man, age 16, who has achieved legendary things. It is said that once, Trent actaully killed a Great White Shark, with his bare hands. Trent is also amazing at everything he does, He learned to read at age 1. He was walking by 1.1. He will never cease to amaze the world. It is rumored that his cock is so glorious if it was to become erect, it would blind millions.
Person 1: "Hey did you hear about `Trent?"
Person 2: "Yea he totally did Gina, and she didn't die."
Person 1: "Word my nigga"
by Gina`Be5t January 17, 2009
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a big fag who likes to touch little boys??? and grope certain people whilst they sleep in their homes..
hi im trent.. i like younger males! and i like to kiss my puppy and kittys everynight before beddy boos..
by merrrrrrin November 9, 2005
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