An expression originating from the StarCraft community as Zealots would yell "My life for Aiur!" before charging into battle, expecting glorious death.

It can mean one of two things:

You would do anything for someone.
I will protect you! My life for Aiur!

Skydiving without a parachute? MY LIFE FOR AIUR!
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The person you love with all your heart. The person you would do anything for. The person you are In Love with. The person who takes your breathe away. Your soulmate.
by Ladyred196 April 5, 2016
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When life is so shit that you can't take it anymore.
Why is this happening to me. Shit my life!!
by Littleeleanor December 1, 2015
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When you really hate your life and feel like u want to kill yourself
1. I hate my life so much bye these are my last words
by Officially.ash February 8, 2017
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