the tooth of a slut. it just rhymes better.
yo, dat sloot tooth andrea needs to get kicked in her teeth.
by cracka barrel August 25, 2010
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The food one have saved up in between their teeth after a meal. Just like the concept of Food banks storing food.
Damn! Janny has all the food stored away in her teeth after dinner last night! She better use a tooth pick or something to get all that food out of there. What is she trying to do? Start a Tooth Bank with all that food?
by Car Sun- June 29, 2009
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someone who is lacking in drinking powers and thus sucks at parties and furthermore at life.
Aaron does not drink thus we can conclude he is a shneggle tooth
by Billpete May 17, 2006
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The process by which losing an incisor causes significant loss of grammatical control. It is most often observed in the upper incisors.
My brother lost a tooth and now he talks like he is from Appalachia. He must have lost his grammar tooth.
by Houston_77098 March 4, 2010
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When you go for a filling at the dentist then after you go for a massive stitchy bucket behind Asda and the resin sticks to your tooth.
“Heard about Taylor Boyle mate? He got resin tooth the absolute mad man hahaha!”
by Ghandi’s Mam January 23, 2019
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someone with an akwardly shaped front tooth that gets caught on most obsticles it meets
"Damn look at that skraggle tooth caught on the fence"
by DUBULAR July 8, 2008
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This is a Woman well past her prime of being a Puma or even a Cougar. They lurk just before dusk in huge groups drinking Cosmopolitan after Cosmopolitan. They are looking for any form of action and are no stranger to the chase. They typically wear gray and white fur coats, have way to much gold jewelry, and wear more make up than Bozo the clown. If one of them approaches you quickly point her in the direction of the nearest early bird dinner and run for your life. These are the worst of bar patrons as they have nothing to lose and have heard it all.
OMG look at that dude he's getting mauled by that Sabre tooth
by Avran LeFeber June 30, 2006
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