Be sure to wear good deodorant when wearing your meat poncho as sweat is like tasty gravy for wolves!
by i<3funnycommercials January 17, 2011
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1. What people write when they actually meant "sweet".

2. Perspiration
by Sweet October 4, 2003
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An alternative to the over used word of sweet
"Man I just got a new car"

by GusMan November 19, 2007
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A term used to describe money deriving from hard work.
“Yo mans got bare sweat styll.”
“I heard Julian’s beeeen sweating, seen?”
“Must be hot in here cuz I’m SWEATING fam.”
by JuliansSweaty April 29, 2021
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A sweat is a person who plays a game 24/7 for example Ninja and many more
There are many ways to use this word such as “you big sweat” or “you sweat this game
by PixelToaster November 29, 2018
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when someone steals an idea from you or likes something you have
"Yo, man, you totally sweat me!"
by stef October 25, 2003
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