A good show with humor of epic proportions. Some of the newer series are a litlle disapointing, but these episodes are still better than anything else.
by Total Dylan January 10, 2005
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The greatest show in the history of telivision.
Turn that war bullshit off, the Simpsons are on.
by jason June 2, 2003
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the best god damn fucking american animation ever! it is the longest running american sitcom and the longest running american animation program to date. it was created by cartoonist Matt Groening and is a spinoff of the 1980s program from The Tracey Ullman Show. the show circulates around the simpson family- homer, marge, bart, lisa, and maggie- and their "typical" life. there is a hoard of post Cold War popculture and everyone is a protrayed after a stereotypical figure. the simpson's is now on their 17th (or 18th) season.

the simpsons is pure genius because unlike many shows on FOX like Family Guy, the simpsons doesnt need to pile a load of crude humor and sexual jokes just to be funny.
the simpsons is almost 18 years old. matt groening based many aspects of the show off of his own family and childhood in portland, oregon. almost every character is a stereotypical figure. e.g.:

homer- lazy dad with a low level job
marge- typical suburban housewife of the 1950s
mr. burns- evil rich bossman
chief wiggum- over weight lazy police officer
ralph wiggum- school wierdo
nelson muntz and his crew- schoolyard bullies who beat you up for your lunch money
martin prince- teacher's pet and geek
edna krabappel- downtrodded school teacher
seymour skinner- educational bureacrat
fat tony- mob boss
dr nick- shady quack
apu- southeast/middle east asian shop keeper
helen lovejoy- town gossip
cletus- southern white trash (in this case, the "slack jawed yokel")
ned flanders- wierdo neighbor who has a perfect life and is also a devouted christian

the rest of the characters are self explainatory. these are the most obvious

still, the simpsons is the greatest tv show on the planet and when it ends, i shall throw myself upon a sword and DIE!!!!
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e August 4, 2006
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Every one should want to be Homer Simpson.
1) He never has to do anything.... Marge does it for him.
2) He gets to come home to a giant meal, beer, and the TV. (What more could you ask for in life.)
3) He is one of the stars so no matter how much he fucks up he still never gets in trouble.
4) No matter how bad things are he can still laugh. Not because he has hope...but because he has no damn clue what the hell is going on.
5) All he has to do at work is sit there and eat donut.

** I could go in and on about him but if you aren't convinced now that he has it good then...get a fucking life!!! **
The Simpson’s is the best fucking show ever and for those who don't think so.... you can go suck a male camel stick!!!
by Molly May 9, 2003
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awesome. i think the episode where homer takes over for mr smithers, as mr burns personal assistant is the best. lol!!! or the one where homer travels back in time with the toaster.
marge: homer, did u remember to feed the fishies?
homer: uuuuhh..erm...yeah....?
marge: well done sweety
homer (to lisa) lisa dear, are goldfishes suposed to float on their back?
Lisa: no?
Homer: DOH!!!
by wizkey January 11, 2005
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Greatest show ever that should be on Twenty-Four seven, and people who spell it s-i-m-s-o-n-s are posers.
The Simpsons is the greatest show ever created.
by Tom Golashovsky September 10, 2003
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