The very beggining of the command & conquer series made by westwood. Sold millions of copys it made rts's well know to the computer world
C&C pwns for it takes a lot of skill to beat it.
by Jon May 2, 2005
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Usually characterized by an inexperienced, obese female armed with a small degree of authority in unimportant situations. The fat commander stubbornly domineers the workplace environment in an effort to accomplish meaningless goals and tasks based on their criteria, while ignoring all personal shortcomings such as bad breath or body odor.
Ah shit boys, here comes that fat commander!
by dimebagbrian November 2, 2009
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Said to UNDO any situation in real life. Derived from the common Apple Keyboard shortcut Command+Z.
Patrick trips and spills juice all over his pants in front of large crowd, he shouts, "Command Z". Everyone understands and gets back to their business.
by Word Boss LA December 7, 2011
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Term for someone who is considered to be a good sexual partner by females. Made infamous by Jay and silent Bob.
by Gumba Gumba February 20, 2004
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Dude, did you hear Mike got busted with two pounds of weed??!?! I told him he shouldn't be moving so much weight.

I don't know about that, he should just have followed the 11th Commandment
by __SomeGuy__ August 16, 2010
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A.K.A. "The Robbie"

He's like Batman and Superman but better. Pretty much the greatest guy to walk the Earth.

In fact, he's the coolest guy ever! If someone refers to you as "cool" just know that Commander Cool is commanding that cool that you have gotten. Also, he's the greatest. Again. He's nice, handsome, and awesome.

He shares "Coolest guy ever" rights with Miles Davis

Don't worry, if you try your hardest, you can be cool too. It's as easy as getting high. Which is as easy as being yourself.
That Commander Cool Guy is the greatest!

Gerow is the farthest thing from Commander Cool as physically possible.
by Kramerica May 10, 2005
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The act of separating one's sweaty ball-sack from their inner thigh by firmly pinching a portion of excess scrotum and pulling downward in a similar action to that used when releasing 3M brand Command Strips(tm).
"This Las Vegas heat has had me command-stripping all afternoon."
by Because7ate9 April 3, 2015
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