A really gay or homosexual person, Constantly high and always skips school
by Hos1978 April 6, 2017
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A tall fat man with butt issues and has a tiny turtle shell. 9 times out of 10 is gay and enjoys fucking stuffed animals. Sex is very unpassionate, even the stuffed animals complain.
Did you see that Braxton, yeah he's a bitch.
by September 20, 2018
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Braxtons are usually blonde haired boys who loveeeeeeeee cheese cake. Braxtons are often playing baseball or petting a prancing cat thats your chiz/// they usually are in good moods unless you mess with their friends.... or their cheesecake.
oh look its someone fighting someone over cheesecake... must be a braxton
by parker patt April 18, 2019
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Braxton is a HUGE human being, like enormous. He never doesn’t have a juul in his hand. He drinks on a regular basis. He loves twisted teas. LOVES THEM. He is a sweat ball in fortnite.
Who is that big fella?
It’s braxton.
Wanna buy some pods!
by iNuckFiggers November 14, 2018
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this person is usually a stubborn, stuck up, tall, skinny, black person that is mean. He is a horrible best friend.
Braxton is a horrible human being.
by Sexy beast of a man May 10, 2018
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Little bitch ass snitch whos gonna get knocked off with no hesitation in my mind
"Braxton said we can go to jail" "what a little bitch"
by Diabetic1234 October 22, 2020
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