Somthing that people know is real but no one has ever seen or heard of it.
Could I have some of those trons?
by Buster January 14, 2004
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the act of smoking cannabis; either through a pipe or in a blunt.
Lets go drive around and tron.

Lets get our tron on.
by Dilla April 12, 2007
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Tyler: There's this voice in my head who tells me to do all these messed up stuff I don't wanna do
Dr TC: What's his name
Tyler: Tron Cat
by WolfHaley7 November 25, 2013
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A coil of meat or sausage. Noun. Also a coil of poop in a toilet or on the ground
Dude, I just dropped a coil-a-tron, and I feel better. Did you see the size of the coil-a-tron he ordered for lunch?
by Higs March 4, 2015
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Another name for crop dusting, or farting while walking, deliberately using a path that crosses in front of an unsuspecting victim
Office - "Dude, I just Tron Bike'd that douche in tech support as he was stepping out of his cube"

Bar - "Man, Jeremy! What'd you do, Tron Bike us with that lap around the table before getting the next round?"
by TedStriker November 3, 2011
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An alcoholic beverage that consists of ten beers and must be consumed in under two hours.
I can't believe you made it home after you finished your Buck Tron.
by Jeffery Domer February 28, 2008
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