Is a great friend and is very strong she is amazing at soccer and can be hard to convince. If you hurt a Stacy she WILL hold a grudge on you. While she is very nice she can also sometimes be a bitch or a pain in the ass but otherwise be wise with a Stacy.
Person 1 “Woah she got mad skills at soccer

Person 2 “ yeah that’s Stacy she’s really good
by Haxxa December 7, 2019
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Someone who is kinda rich but pretends to be poorer tryd to be "relatable"
Shes such a stacy she said she couldn't afford to go on the school trip but then drove home in her mercadies🙄😑
by Hey kiddos November 9, 2020
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The copy paste “it girl” bully from an early 90s teen movie. Stands between two girls in a tartan skirt and butterfly clips. One of the girls (likely named Amber) is also blonde, but usually a darker shade and unremorseful like Stacy. The other girl, who is on the fringes of the group (is also most likely red headed or ethnically exotic) shows remorse towards the girls in spiked chokers who are the target of Stacy’s rage.
That girl is such a Stacy, because she is completely one dimensional and somehow magically won prom queen, even though everyone knows she’s a soulless bitch.
by Matisse.trolldoll July 12, 2018
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The woman version of a Chad. very rich and very snooty
Person 1: Damn, look at that woman over there!
Person 2: Don't bother dude, it's a Stacy.
by The7thComrade November 6, 2018
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another name for exstacy, or rolls.
Hey, lets go to a party and do some stacy.
by Durp Durr May 4, 2007
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