While in the Cinncinatti Bowtie position (reverse titty-fuck with the female laying on her back), the female on the bottom lifts her head and proceeds to give the male a rimjob.
Caleb got so wasted last night he started giving Janice a Cinncinatti Bowtie then she turned it into a Muddy Sparrow.
by The-Green-Bastard May 17, 2010
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The joe sparrow is the action of liking and talking to multiple females and acting as if you’re not.
I am only talking to “one girl”, I’m not doing the joe sparrow.
by Mick Wickham December 23, 2019
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The sexiest pirate ever...he must be because I saw the movie 8 times because of him!
She is safe like I promised and is marrying norington like she promised and you dying for her like you promised so we are all man of our word except for Elizabeth;who is in fact a woman!
Jack:Why is the rum gone
Liz:One because it is a vile drink that turns the most respectful men into complete scoundruls.....etc.
Jack:But why is the rum gone?
I have too many quotes memorized to even write them all!
by Lauren August 22, 2003
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A fictional pirate from the adventure film "Pirates of the caribbean."
Portrayed by Johnny Depp.
Part of the inspiration for Jack sparrow, says Johnny, was Pepe le piu and Keith Richards. He has a saunter and a generally camp way of being.

The character of Jack sparrow is a rougish, dishonest man who's willing to do anything to get his way. His sole ambition in life is to get back "The black pearl" a ship he was captain of until a mutiny in which his older first mate took over the ship.
They marooned him on an island and left him to rot, lukily for Jack the island was a stop for rum smugglers. After spending three days on the beach drinking said rum he bartered passage off the island. He then made his way to Tortuga and met a young fishing girl called Anamaria. He also gained himself a reputation at the local brothel albeit a not very good one, at least not with Scarlet and Gisselle. Still I'm sure Jack was a very steady customer.
Eventually he stole Anamaria's boat "The jolly mon" and sailed to the neighboring Port royal. It was then his intention to commondere a ship, find himself a crew in Tortuge rape, pilage plunder and other wise pilfer his weasly black guts out.
This is the point where the film starts.
Jack sparrow is far more than has been written by drooling fan-girls.
He is a hilarious and colourfull character whom is worth far more than "He ish soooo hawt! *Drool*" posts.
"When you left me on that god forsaken spit of land you forgot one very important thing; I'm captain Jack sparrow!"
by billy bo bo August 11, 2005
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1. Captain of the Black Pearl
2. Completely insane, in a brilliant way

Daft like Jack
by katarik September 1, 2003
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a way of greeting a friend or compadre...
hello there me old "cock sparrow"
by blueram January 22, 2009
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THE hottest sexiest most wonderful pirate EVER, the HOTTEST guy n eyeshadow, the finest all around!
*why is the rum gone??
*If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.
by I Luv Johnny Depp October 2, 2003
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