Obnoxious, rowdy, hott, crazy shoes, slick euro style, tight jeans, annoying, best outfits ever, hanging like crazy, doesn't sleep, thick accents, no game, looking for wife, nice hair, hipster???, smooth expensive cars, weird names, flashy watch. Pretty much 1 of a kind.
Romanian guys from Romanian conventions
by AlyG December 31, 2011
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when one shits into a dress sock and then performs a whipping motion onto ones dorm room door, or house front door. It can even be done to a human.
"man we just romanian bullwhipped his door good"
by long john scrotum July 12, 2009
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You jizz in a potato while skydiving and then you give a young naive 12 year old girl the potato while planning a BDSM party
Man: Eric is a bdsm god
Man: he tried the Romanian potato last week.
by Mysterious dapper nigga May 23, 2022
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A number of atleast 4 dudes stand site by side. They proceed to masturbate and aim to nut at the same time, thus creating a line of semen on the floor, after wich the girl must lick the whole line in one go.
Bro, last night's party was wild, we did the Romanian Nutline with 10 guys.
by TheSusano27 November 5, 2018
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When you have braces and you brush your teeth with someone’s asshole as the shit
I can’t even wipe without screaming because my friend hit me with a Romanian Raspberry
by 8hertitsoff February 3, 2022
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To suck dick in exchange for a Volkswagen Golf (2004)
Boy 1: Got meself a Volkswagen Golf, 2004, yesterday. Hatta give the dealer a Romanian Randy in the back alley, but what's 5 minutes, y'know?
Boy 2: Please, sir, there are other people waiting in line.
by mkpk January 17, 2020
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Someone Sara from Romania. They tend to be weirdly aggressive from time to time but feed them clips of max verstappen winning and adam driver and they’ll become bearable. If they happen to have two phones on them, they are popularly called the “Romanian Drug Dealer Sara”.
Oh what is that?

That is a wild Romanian Sara on the prowl.
by ushernames January 13, 2022
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