The guilt associated with not being able to recycle the goods you use or buy.

You must consume recyclable goods without a means to recycle them OR consume un-recyclable goods in order to participate in an activity.
After the concert I suffered from Recycler's Guilt because everything I bought was served in plastic that was recyclable but there was no way to recycle them.

I took home my spoon from the ice cream parlor because my Recycler's Guilt does not allow me to simply use it once and throw it away.
by frosty_pawws July 15, 2010
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Uses selfies or other content posted on one social media platform again on another platform in hopes that nobody will notice in order to maximise reach and validation in the form of likes and comments . A form of laziness of not providing new refreshing content.
Jake posted his snapchat mystory selfie from two weeks ago, only now on instagram, what a content recycler.
by Itiswhatitisnt March 14, 2019
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When you say a joke around someone who later uses the joke as if it was said for the first time without giving any credit. This is usually done in the presence of ladies or large friendly gatherings.
Rob: Dude, you totally just recited the joke I said yesterday to impress that broad, real classy.

John: Yeah, and it was one hell of a joke!

Rob: Wow, look at this proud "Joke Recycler" right here.
by Joke Recycler June 23, 2014
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The dismal results a man gets from investing a load of money on his wife to better her looks through a nose job, a boob job, and liposuction.
Man, why are you so pissed off with Rodendra?
Look at the stupid cow! I invested full greenbacks on her and what did I get? A stupid hippo! Ain´t that recycling fraud?
by rperazag May 6, 2010
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A person who recycles EVERYTHING and forces EVERYONE to do the same, by use of threats, insults, and violent behavior. Also known for digging through the trash to retrieve items which can be recycled.
A Recycling Nazi McDonalds employee won't let you near the garbage can until everything which is recyclable is recycled.
by Jordan has Skills June 4, 2006
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the act of unreeling, but not detaching, a section of toilet paper, utilizing the section for a necessary task, then rolling the section back on to the roll.
Clay saw that there was very little toilet paper left in the bathroom. Being quite considerate, Clay did the recycler's wipe to insure the next person to need toilet paper would not be left without.
by Haywood J. January 24, 2010
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