One sexy fine piece of ass. She has the tits, the ass, the face, the eyes. Commonly known as the trophe girl everyone wants. Her friends envy her, and is especially hated upon by others through jealously. Is a smart girl, mainly when she wants to be. You are guaranteed to have a great night with her! Be careful though, she can make you fall for her but she will like your best friend. You never know what to expect but when she likes one person it is impossible for anyone to win her back. So if she has her eyes on you, your one lucky fella. (plus she is fucking good in bed)
guy 1: did you here that Tom got with Piper the other week?
guy2: For real? Jesus he is fucking lucky, I want her so bad
by liloldmediddledo March 15, 2017
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Jackson"Pipers so fucking fine."
Kenny"ya she's got a noice ass"
by Crouching couch November 6, 2018
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Piper is a name given to expert game players. Made famous by the gamer tag piper180, a Xbox player who would own the lobbies on call of duty modern warfare, MW 2 and MW3
This guy's on a 30 kill streak, he's a piper
by Oxfords dictionary May 20, 2020
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A girl who is amazing in every single way. Yeah tho she is serious about her work she is always the best to hang around with. Most are found with a gay friend *wink wink*
by OofItsTofu September 6, 2019
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Piper is a sweet caring person and is tough on the outside but shy and sensitive on the inside. She cares deeply about what people think about her and loves animals. Her favourite things are: baking, animals, family, friends, making people happy and much much more. She is very funny and has no trouble making people laugh.
Piper is a potato
by All Hail King Chunk December 25, 2019
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