A fastball at a baseball game
also called "The old Pepper"
Baseballer: Alright ! Here comes the pepper! Take this!
by Nikko April 28, 2005
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When you cum on a girls face and pour pepper on her to add some flavor.
Peppering a girl can be in pour taste
by CF28 April 6, 2011
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A preciseley descriptive word used to describe someone who has a sudden creative but rather quirky streak or stream of thoughts come upon them out of the blue.

Can also be used as a noun to describe somone who is constantly and/or naturally "quirky" but always creative in an extremely talented and perhaps even genius and unique fashion.
"Dang that was a good idea dude! You are so peppers today!"
"Hey Peppers what have you invented lately?"
by K.K. Griffith August 30, 2006
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shriveled green or red penis usually choad
The guy said to girl, "Before we can go further in this relationship, I must tell you I have Pepper."

Justin Bieber has pepper.
by BRi GK ALL DAY April 11, 2010
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a cool kid at school, boys normal ass's and girls normally really hot and spicy
"you see that hot flaming girl over thier,"
"you mean the pepper"
by hott me boy June 6, 2007
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A word used by girls to describe their shaven or unshaven pit hair.
Girl 1: "Hey Rachael, shave your pits. I can see your pepper."

Girl 2: "It's not that bad, I'll shave again tomorrow."
by Albinowithdowns December 26, 2016
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A pepper is simply that, a fucking pepper. It is used to say hello, or wish someone good tidings. It can be used in conjunction with slepper and kapepper, all of which stem from pepper
Heyyooo, what's up pepper?
Nothing much peps, what's up (;
by Foxy_McMuffin February 23, 2018
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