A packet princess is a cyber security engineer who talks a big game but hides their lack of any fundamental skills or knowledge through theatrics and hysterics. A tell-tale sign of a packet princess is having the free time to consistently be the first to "find" the latest cyber security related articles on Reddit or Twitter. Another sign of a packet princess is celebrating as significant the discovery of knowledge that is common. The term should not be lightly used, and reserved for those whose ego and delusions of grandeur surpass all other coworkers.
"Looks like packet princess discovered grep today, talked about it for 30 minutes"
"Does packet princess actually do anything other than refresh Krebs on Security all day?"
"Packet princess hasn't talked to me in a month. They are still angry I saw them reading a tutorial on exceptions after I told them they should add exception handling to that script."
by crustycyber April 22, 2021
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The act of wearing a condom and having sex with a woman who is on her peirod, then taking the condom off and making her squeez the menstral blood in to her mouth, as if drinking ketchup form a packet.
Ashley was on her rag and was very horny, and the only way paul would fuck her is if she agreed to take a ketchup packet afterwords.
by Druskeet November 9, 2007
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A packeted meal simply consists of pre cooked microwaveable meal varying from a turkey dinner to duck a l'orange. This meal is in a plastic recyclable meal tray that usually divided into several sections. These meals do not take much effort to cook other than piercing the film layering.
I ordered 7 packeted meals tonight, they should keep me satisfied for the next day.
by Calile berry January 10, 2017
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Widely believed to have been invented by Sir Isaac Newton after a detailed study of male sexual arousal, the ketchup packet involves the caressing twist of a man's testicles until they burst. Often, the scene can resemble a McDonald's after a five year old threw a ketchup packet against the wall. A 2005 survey estimated that over 9000 American males have had their testicles surgically reattached so that they could once again experience the joy of a ketchup packet.
"Hey Jimbo, this hamburger needs a little of your personal flavor. How about we bust a ketchup packet?"
by aksdhjgo;asujglksgj November 10, 2008
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1. Unit of paste contained in a Sheath.
2. (sailor definition) Kunt.
3. The canal within which to disperse thine Throat Dog.
4. Please don;t mention the bloody machete wound
5. Elite forms of females that continue to drip like conveyor belts until dawn.
6. Any one who has actually fucked a jello cup (i.e store bought gelatin) please visit a porno site immediately.
"Dude, that bitches jello packet tasted like gardetto's snacks!"

"Holy shit I totally saw Britney Spears bloated jello packet on TV yesterday!"

"I hope Bill Clinton didn't actually PLOUGH Hillarys rusted Jello Packet!!@!!!"

"Thars a lass with a bonnie jello packet if'n i've ever seen un!" (irish proverb)

" Marmetlata! CE bene MICIO! IO MANGO MICIO!

" Dude, you totally emerged from yo mamma's jello packet!"
by Bob C. Dawg April 12, 2008
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