"yeah... we chat on a reg bay"
by ccccc March 4, 2008
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Giving head while listening to Bob Marley or doing it behind the bins.
Jim says to Pete "Hey! Wanna go jay-regging?"
by bonerface122 May 19, 2011
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1. Used to describe an individual, usually in the military, who does not conform to military standards.
2. A complete and utter shitbag.
Damn yo, that shitbag private is totally out of regs
by nafogel September 17, 2010
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A large group of weenies who have inflated egos because they are popular in a forum on an anime website. They become famous for namedropping each other and posting their nude photos online.

They are all most certainly ugly in real life.
CB Regular #1: Hey sup let's become chatterbox regs by posting our usernames over and over again until people remember them!

CB Regular #2: Awesome just let me finish posting my nudes!
by lolidkwatbbq February 13, 2010
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Dave: You gotta step up your game up and lay the pipe

Tim: I am, dude. I get pootie on a reg base
by shlabmaster69 May 20, 2010
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