To do something that could be considered insane or ridiculous Also known as going all out
Guy: Did you see that guys twin turbo LSX corvette??

Guy#2: Yes! He went "straight Nanners" with that build!
by LsxEars March 16, 2017
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A Nanner is used as a slang of the wordbanana”.
Nanner is a noun as it means banana.
by The Creator Of Nanner January 13, 2020
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The most beautiful space prince in the world. He was there for me when no one else was.
Man I really love Nanners
by Newt_Plushie September 25, 2020
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A racist term towards white people.
(It’s basically the N-word for white people.)
White guy 1: What’s up my nanner
White guy 2: was sup nanner
Black guy: sup nanner
by MysticBird December 1, 2019
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elongated, yellow thing you can eat
I’m the Nanner Man give me yo nanners
by OG Crackerman January 22, 2023
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A person who 'Na na na's' to a song because they don't know a word
He's a real nanner I'll tell you that!
by birblady January 21, 2018
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This bag of Doritos has a lot of Richy Nanner’s
by savmax September 1, 2023
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