1.Its a confirmation or something.
Yeah sure
For sure
1."I'm finna use the bathroom."
"Sho nuff."

2."Damn, that ass is like BAM!"
"Sho nuff"
by wussytaco April 14, 2008
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Ebonics for 'Sure enough, my African American brother.'
'Sup mah nigga. You got some rock?'

'Sho nuff, foo'
by Wyatt Mann May 15, 2004
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A nuff is a silent fart, a biggy-nuff is a large silent fart.
The students at Berkley were measuring the Volume of Ed’s “biggy-nuff”.
by pseudonymynyn August 11, 2019
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It is the name of a Jamaican restaurant where I live. We use it when something is really good.
"Canada won the gold medal."

"Nuff niceness on the win."
by Paul September 8, 2004
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Replaces “nuff said” in a way. Used when one makes a rather absurd statement, and another agrees with that statement, although usage may vary depending on the context.
“Oh it’s too loud? You want me to turn it down? Oddy nuff that you can hear it from the bleachers
by DaneWild September 5, 2021
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"hey man that was a fat blunt! I high as a mickey fickey."
"sho nuff!!"
by Chandy April 24, 2003
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