a northern irish term meaning to literally fock yer head up by confusing you when in a state of monged outness
i.e. stop it ye prick ur melting my fockin head

keeper'lit to the tokers elite, shibby
by Nate Dawg March 11, 2003
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When you shit it when someone of authority asks you a question if you've done something wrong and you get scared and brick it under the pressure and tell them everything.
Police: So where do you live
Kid: i haven't done nothing wrong please dont arrest me!
Police: all i'm doing is taking down your details don't worry sheesh
Kid 2: ahahaa no you fucking melt!
by KripsKid :P April 16, 2010
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Tired, out of it, exhausted, overly lethargic, or otherwise not mentally or physically energized.
"Dude, I'm so melted."
"I'm melted...can't make it out tonight. I'm just going to pass out."
by T.M.F.R. May 30, 2007
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A roleplaying game internet term used to describe a person who gains many experience points in such a small amount of time.
I've been melting for only 2 days and I've gained 13 million experience points!
by Alex Moosetafio June 17, 2008
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Verb: To sit, chill out, calm down. Noun: a chair, a seat, a couch, anything you can sit on may be referred to as a melt. Scottish slang. Contrary to popular beiliefs, melts can actually be played as a musical instrument by turning it upside down and hitting the legs with a wooden stick. This is commonly done in the streets of Warsaw and a person who does this is called a meltist
'just you melt.' 'this chair is a pure heavy melt man'
by -Kee- June 7, 2009
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to use a lot of opiates like, oxycontin, tar, dilaudids
"yo man, you meltin?"
"yeah man, i'm meltin my balls off! i'm so itchy, and catchin fat nods"
by melty mitch February 25, 2009
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