Putting two fingers in a girl's mouth and two fingers in her vagina. Then raising her above your head and shaking her violently to resemble a Marlin flopping in the air
Guy: dude you see that girl over there?
Friend: yeah?
Guy: I totally made her an angry Marlin last night
by Hairless wonder October 1, 2015
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Exactly the same as the white-finned dolphin, except executed by an individual with a brown ass.
Darnell pulled off a classic brown-finned marlin at the pool today
by biffrichards July 6, 2006
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Trek marlin kids are those mtbers who buy a trek marlin, and then call 1-3 ft drops massive. They usually think they are the best riders ever but in reality they suck. They also never take advice and think they know how to do everything. They also think trek is the best brand bikes and everything else sucks.
Trek marlin kids “Dude look at that massive drop” I just did”
Normal mtbers goes and rolls it bc it was 1 ft tall
by Epicmtber January 10, 2022
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A mullet landing a marlin is when the mullet (guy who is highly unattractive) in spite of the odds being stacked against him, lands a marlin (hooks up with an extremely hot woman). This phenomenon is comparable to catching a marlin and pictures are usually taken for proof and bragging rights handed out accordingly.
Joe: dude, Rick is such a fucking mullet. He has no idea how to talk to a woman.
John: Bro, Rick landed a marlin last week. have some respect.
Joe: Holy shit, a mullet landing a marlin. Thats fucking crazy
by IFuckingHateTexas February 10, 2014
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A marlin is a hot ass chick -- similar to pulling in a massive fish against all odds. Pictures are usually taken with the marlin (to share on Facebook later). A mullet is the opposite -- similar to reeling in a line and wondering how that fish ate your bait.
Daddy: "Dude! Did you see that girl I was talking to at the bar?! Marlin status."
Murray: "Marlin? Um...more like mullet. Total marlin vs. mullet confusion. I took a photo of you guys and put it on Facebook. I tagged it #thewrongkindofbigfish."
by the fuuuuck? January 29, 2014
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A small but dedicated group of diehards who didn't jump ship after the marlins decided to get rid of their world series lineup in '03. I'm not talking about the bandwagon fans that only show up when the fish make the playoffs, I'm talking about the folks that show up at games against the phillies where there are often more phillies fans. Unlike bandwagon phillies fans,marlins fans know about baseball and actually pay attention to the game
The Florida Marlins, '97 and '03 world champions. Getting a sweet new stadium next year that should attract more fans to the games. True Florida marlins fans are some of the most dedicated fans around.
by John Dill July 6, 2011
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