A girl that is emo, hot, likes to sing the guitar solos in songs,

hates justin beiber, acts either high or stoned at all times, and
may be very random.
you: Hey whats the weather like out side?
Marissa: It looks OMG!! Look a squirrel
by EMObITCHES March 20, 2011
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A beautiful girl that is attractive and gorgeous. When a Marissa walks by you, you will instantaneously fall in love. A Marissa has an amazing personality, a good sense of humor, and is very silly. It is hard to resist a Marissa.
Man Marissa is GORGEOUS.
by Oliver N. November 16, 2018
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A best friend who is aweeeesssome at swimming and met Ryan gosling
Fun to be around
Turd turd turd tut is the word
by Me is Natalie November 28, 2013
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the best friend anyone can have. also everybody's favorite mammal. marissa's are usually funny and can be found in the band room.
friend 1: hey, this is random what is your favorite mammal and where can it be found?
friend 2: oh that one's easy, it's marissa and they are usually found in the band room.
by blackkeys_73 June 28, 2009
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Typically a beautiful, intelligent, outgoing person. Marissas are very caring and are always the first to jump up and help a stranger. They have boys in awe over their beauty and gorgeous brown hair. Words cannot describe the mating type of person that Marissas tend to be. If you know a Marissa, hold on to them. You won’t find a better friend or companion.
Person 1: If you could be like the person you look up to the most, who would it be?
Person 2: Marissa. Need I say more?
by thebestgal October 7, 2018
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The most beautiful name, she is a loyal friend and a loyal girlfriend. She will always be there for you 24/7 if you ever need her she will be there. She is Drop dead gorgeous and is the nicest person on earth.
Elijah: brooo why is Marissa so gorgeous I love her.

Boy: bro you lucky I heard Marissa is very loyal.
by Your Local BadBitch September 19, 2020
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If you know a Marissa you are the luckiest person ever. Marissa is a person who may not see herself through the eyes of others, but to many, and to one, she’s perfect. She will do anything for her family and friends. She is one of the most beautiful persons you will ever see and i bet on that. She’s dearly loved although she may not know or feel this. As soon as one meets her, they would immediately realise she's very special, and is a person who will eternally be there to carry them through the good and hard times. If you ever backstab a Marissa, you will get cursed for life and no more cookies for you :>
Marissa is baby.
by alana wolfhard December 14, 2019
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