hyper and annoyingly entertaining...a girl who doesn't really care one way or another and can be very violent in random moments...a unique girl
she's such a marisa the kids she was watching begged their parents to invite her again.
by orange-crush March 29, 2009
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A large booty. Very shakeable
Look at the marisa on that one.
by Shoniece January 6, 2008
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marisa is the kindest girl you will ever meet and she is a stunner she is very strong and powerful also a girl everyone loves. anyone who knows a marisa is the luckiest person in the world
marisa is a girl everyone loves and is lucky to know
by jaida tl December 16, 2018
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1)one who parties like its their job
2)one who looks like a malibu barbie doll for half the year
3)another word for sexual intercourse
4)the art of not giving a shit about anything or anyone
1) "Girl, how many shots of vodka did you have this week?! You have been non-stop! All I know is you are one hell of a marisa."
2)" Wow, I better find a Ken doll quick for this marisa over here."
3) No one at the party was able to use the downstairs bedroom last night because a couple was having marisa.
4)Steve: "You know what?" Doug: "What?" Steve: "I think the fact that you marisa is what makes us such good friends."
by fflav April 22, 2008
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completely fun and amazing, lover of the tv show 24, goofy, loving, greatest friend ever, wana-be Mrs. Keifer Sutherland
Keifer: Marisa will you marry me?
Marisa: "thats hot"
by Um No September 25, 2006
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The most beautiful person you will ever meet this person loves her boyfriend and she is smart funny cute and the most amazing person you can ask for who ever says she ugly well then fuck off
Ashton: Wow who is that?

Connor: Ya i think thats a marisa.
by Marisa Gomez March 7, 2017
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