Lachlan has Lachlan
by James Gilbert September 11, 2003
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A manipulative snake who is skilled with the English language. Lachlan's have the ability to change and manipulate words and situations in order to affect someone else's life for his own benefit.
He's not really friends with her, he just wants to get in her pants, he's being a real Lachlan.
by My name is testie December 1, 2016
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One of the most wonderful people you will ever meet. He’s loving and caring, he knows how to make you smile. Often looks down on himself due to self esteem issues but of what little love he uses for himself he’ll use for you tenfold. A bit of work but the process of loving him is amazing and you’ll enjoy being with him during every minute. Handle with care.

Also very horny practically vibrating with hormones be careful or you may lose some clothes.
“Lachlan really out here for that pussy huh?”
“Isn’t Lachlan the greatest?”
“Really Lachlan? Horny again?”
“Lachlan thinks consent is sexy.”
by paruresisin August 10, 2020
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An extremely hot girl,nice upper chest. Extremely smart and attractive person.
Man, that girl is a Lachlan; dang she is hot with such a fine body.
by fdsisfdjisadfj April 7, 2009
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Lachlan is an amazing person,lachlan will do anything for his friends and he's never too shy to go up to his girlfriend Lachlan has a contagious smile that can make anyone happy. He has the ability to make anyone laugh even when they're not in the mood. Lachlan mostly acts tough in front of his friends, he's actually a really interesting individual and has a lot of secret talents. Lachlan can be a very annoying person to be around sometimes and he always gives you a reason to be mad at him but you really only need one reason to forgive him that's how amazing he is. Lachlan has a heart of gold, spending a few seconds with Lachlan can make you feel really special. If you ever see someone named Lachlan go ahead and introduce yourself. You won't regret it. Who ever ends up dating him is one lucky girl.
girl 1: OMG Lachlan is so nice and damn look at those abs I really want to talk to him!

girl 2: Don't be scared or you're going to miss out.
by cococherry June 27, 2019
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ugly assed, shit in bed with a nutsack larger than penis,
loves the cock from behind
lachlan likes it in the bum.
by angie d bro July 4, 2006
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A very annoying person. They interrupts your conversations to tell you some fact that no one cares about. They read Mein Kampf every night and masturbates to Ava Brown (Hitlers gf)
Dude shutup. Your being such a Lachlan.
by Comrade_Stalin May 29, 2019
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