A one hand false cut invented by Dan and Dave Buck.
To be used in conjunction with card magic or such.
"Then I did the kryptonite and they were convinced the deck was mixed!"
by DarthAllanz0rd00dex March 5, 2006
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A severely infected form of chlamydia inside a woman's vagina in which her vaginal canal appears to be sharp with raised lacerations containing a greenish hue. This condition is attributed to its similarity to the actual kryptonite cave in the comic book Superman. Contact with the said condition by penis will cause gangrene or "hulk penis." If your girl has the kryptonite cave, you are in some serious business.
I was going down on this girl at a party, but I got gangrene on my lips from her kryptonite cave.

When I was having sex with a whore, my dick soon had deep cuts on it from her deeply distorted kryptonite cave.

Damn! That bitch got the kryptonite cave!
by mydickisgreen December 7, 2011
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That soft pink treat between a females legs
person 1: What's up bro?
Person 2: Man I'm feeling weak.
person 1: What happened?
person 2: Dog, my girl hit me with that pink kryptonite last night and knocked my ass out.
by john kuykendall March 1, 2008
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The extremely hot and ample chested females in a gym that wear pink tops and do squats, behind the neck pulldowns, military shoulder press, butterflies, etc. and cause men to not work out. If she is on the machine near the water fountain, then all the men will go home well-hydrated to their fat ugly wives. Frequently they will have a boyfriend with them with biceps larger than your thighs.
-Hey man, how did your workout go?
-Ahhh, I didn't get anything done...
-Why not? Too crowded?
-Gym Kryptonite?
-You know it... Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the bathroom.
by Kozar May 5, 2005
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A guy that a strong women just can't let go of and no matter how hard she tries to, when he calls or she sees him he makes her weak and sucks her right back in. He's not a guy you generally mention directly by name but your friends know who he is. The after affect of interactions with this person generally leaves you emotionally drained.
Did you see Kryptonite Guy last night? Yeah, you know I did....ugh. What is wrong with me, why do I let him affect me like this?
by Sadie707 June 17, 2015
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A female/male that you are so attracted to that they have the ability to destroy your resilience to say no to sex regardless of your relationship status and location.
I can't go to coffee with him, he's sexual kryptonite we would end up in the car or bathroom in 5 minutes.
by Ms. MAS March 10, 2015
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