a knock is someone who occasionally does impulsive, immature, random things (such as buying a 12-pack of mountain dew game fuel). Knocks are basically people who don't care what other people think of them, and act like idiots.
There are 2 kinds of knocks: knocks that are just joking around, or knocks who are actually complete idiots. This word has been used to mean various things, but this use of the word was invented in Berkeley, CA, and brought to widespread use by students at berkeley high school
"dude!! I just downloaded 2 Andrew W.K. albums!"

"you are such a knock!!"
by D-Billin' May 4, 2010
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To have sexual relations with; to fuck; to bump uglies; to straight up get jiggy with it.
Say hoe can I Knock?
by Ricky Bizee March 2, 2004
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v. To kick or pound when refering to heavy bass.
"Buy a car and a GLOCK, put the cash in my sock, put the beat in the trunk so you hear the shit knock." -Andre Nickatina
by King Of The O August 26, 2006
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(n.) Left wing liberal with a strong appetite for Facebook postings on political and social injustices. Although he/she may only get 1 or 2 likes...he/she stays strong and focused on bringing about changes necessary for the betterment of all human beings. Doesn't support borders...believing that we are all 1 people...1 world. Strong advocate for the environment and the belief in global warming...and often times will use the word 'science' and/or 'facts' to attempt to win a debate.
He doesn't want to compromise. What a Knocke!

He's never lost a debate because science is on his side. He must be a Knocke.

Why is it sooooo warm outside? You should already know...just ask a Knocke.

Knock knock...who's there??? Knocke. Knocke who? Knocke propaganda.
by DJ Ruthless Ramsey March 30, 2017
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to have hardcore sex
I need to go to the crib and knock it with that hoe Karen
by nevasboy February 29, 2004
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London slang.

To not pay back money that is owed - to renege or welch on a loan.
I promise you I'll pay it back, I wouldn't knock you for the money.
by miss-interpreted July 26, 2010
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You really do have big knocks, don't you?
by Highlander59 August 7, 2006
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