Best boyfriend. Gets an attitude sometimes. But you know he still loves you. Worthy being friends with. Obnoxious. Knows way too many random facts. Says random and strange things. Is lame and watches history channel. And the science channel. Is somewhat smart. Believes he will get good grades. Doesn't like talking about stupid people. Friends with people you wouldn't expect. Total nerd. Thinks he's always correct. Is very weird. It's hilarious when he messes up. He thinks it's cute when you say random words in a little girl voice.
by This boy's babbay<3 February 28, 2010
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The word or name Justin is commonly used in conversations as a replacement for unjustifiable words as to the sheer unimaginable greatness of such a person.

The name Justin has its roots in an ancient timeline dating back to the Mayan civilization whose "God" was also named Justin. This predates Jesus, and the Buddha as well. Some research might suggest that such a word was used in conjunction with greatness and wealth dating back when the first homosepians set foot on two feet. Presumptuously all kin-folk born after this time period that share the name Justin are most likely the offspring of an ancient but powerful God.
Justin is almost a GOD
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All you have to know is he is taken and he is cracked
“My friend Justin, he is already taken, and he is cracked at fortnite my guy, UHHHHH 😩😩😩.”
by Pp_president_6969 December 14, 2020
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"my friend here justin, hes already taken and hes crackeddddd at fortnite my guy UGHHHHHHHHH
by pushyrot January 21, 2021
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The boy who literally compares to know one else, he is cute, nerdy, and compassionate. Justin is the type of boy who won't hesitate to do something for you even if you don't know him that well. He acts standoffish sometimes but only because he is trying to be cool. Justin is the type of person who you don't want to let walk out of your life, but you are too shy to tell him how you feel.
You don't need an example to know how great Justin is.
by buddybb August 11, 2018
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Justin is the best person in the whole entire universe, he’s so caring and doesn’t want to hurt you. He is lovable so cute and heartwarming. I wish I can have Justin as my boyfriend. Everyone loves him because he’s so nice and caring.
by I love Justin December 9, 2018
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