Jonathan is a real nigga dat don't play games when it come 2 his girl if u fucc her he will SH00T YO A$$ UP N0 CAP He Is thirsty as a MF and will always go 4 dat a$$ , is funny, great kisser, ain't n0 virgin ,THE G.O.A. T at 2k a sneaker head, hypebeast owns alot of money will flex his money when he has the chance and gets heart broken easily ๐Ÿ’” Ain't n0 snitch, doesn't get everything he deserves, The plug, Runs away from the opps if a othe nigga snitches or get in trouble. ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป Plus do N0T FUCC HIS GURL or dis nigga will shoot yo a$$ up, gets all the hoes and th0ts ,will always get in trouble and rule breaker AND MOST IMPORTANTLY his dick is ENORMOUS.
Person 1: damn is dat Jonathan
Person 2: O shit damn dat is , run nigga run
Jonathan: nigga bring y0 a$$ 0ver here I got the strap don't play wit me nigga b 4 I shoot y0 a$$
Person 2: (runs away )
Jonathan: he aigth bet nigga (shoots his a$$)
Person 1: O SHIT
by The_plug25fucc12 November 24, 2019
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Jonathan can also be defined as god, or god like. In simple terms... you shall bow down to him willingly.
Jonathan is the greatest.
by Jonathan The Greatest November 10, 2006
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A sexy Beast!! Blue eyed, and buff. Tends to be attracted to slightly older women. Likes; walks on the beach, and blondes.
That sexy beast Jonathan walked with his pretty blonde girlfriend Chloe.
by atotallyrandomeperson December 8, 2010
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a guy whose super sweet and spoils you, usually tall with dark hair and eyes you could see your reflection. If tell him something secretive he'll keel it and never tell a soul unless you wanted it. He goes by your commands and I's your ride or die. Soft hands and amazing multitasker. The true dream is a Jonathan.
Girl #1: Did yall hear about the New Boy Jonathan?

Girl #2: I heard he is so tall and obeying is what i heard

Girl #3: I heard His hands are soft like clouds so they call him the "Dream Boy"
by Dean.Sam.Winchester_Cass June 27, 2018
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A guy who constantly makes a Donald duck impression in to his microphone while playing gears of war 2.
by J Slayer15 July 23, 2019
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A boy who loves making people laugh and happy and he is so sensitive and caring he will always love the girl of his dreams no matter what he will always be there for his friends but for all the people he makes happy he can not be happy without the girl of his dreams.
Look at that boy over there he is such a Jonathan and I love him
by Zombiebutcher210 May 15, 2015
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A very attractive sexy beast, who in fact is fat but still gets the ladies.
"Dude how could that fat-ass get that chick". He must be a jonathan.
by Mr.jroll April 3, 2008
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