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The guy, whom most Christian girls are overjesused about.
Sandra: I love Jesus SOOO much. He is my friend!

Kate: Yes, so is mine! I really love Jesus.

Tom: You should probably find some REAL friends, gals...

Kate & Sandra: -______-
by Xfing May 27, 2009
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Probably was a really top bloke who lived 2000 years ago. On the level, talked sense, encouraged everyone just to get along with each other.
Murdered by the authorities who saw him as a threat.
Now worshipped as the son of God.
Closest modern day comparisons would be John Lennon or Martin Luther King (both also murdered).
"Jesus was a black man
No Jesus was Batman"

Shaun Ryder - 1995
by Manx Bloke June 15, 2007
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Exclamation used before a statement of shock, dismay, or surprise.
"Jesus, that things huge!"
by Teh Muffin Man May 4, 2004
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The closest we'll ever come to understanding God.
His most important ideal was compassion. This stems rom empathy. Being able to put oneself in others' shoes. And not judging unfairly, in order that we are not judged by the same method. Whether you're atheist or agnostic, these are principles that are acceptable. He has a lot of other principles that you would agree with. Like the importance of not being hypocritical, and the need to focus on being spiritual more than a dogmatic following of the rules. The more you read, the more you understand.
Pharisee: who is he to claim that he can forgive sins. blasphemy
Jesus: What is easier to say, your sins are forgiven or take your mat rise up and go home.
And the man did just so.
by Obrumi November 24, 2005
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The truth.

When they murdered Christ they murdered the truth.
Christ = Love and he only spoke the truth

Those who speak against Christ hate love and murder the truth and Satan speaks through them.
by Christ is love and truth February 19, 2005
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Jesus is the Son of God. He was a man that reformed Judaism and was hated for his radical changes. He established a bond between God and his people that has been umatched. Over 2 Billion people acknowledge he is God and over 3.5 Billion acknowledge his divinity. Jesus was perfect in any way, and in recent Godless times, has become a common object of ridicule among non-believers. Praised by Chrstians and Muslims as a messanger of/from God, he established a new variety of Judaism (now called Christianity) which came together in the early 2nd century as the One True Holy and Apostolic Church (Now known as the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church)(110AD - 140AD) and writings about his life first appeared in the first century (60-90AD). Preached against the old "eye for an eye" ideology and taught a new "turn the other cheek" attitude. Later disputes about his intentions with his people supurred a "refomartion" in which many people broke away from the Catholic Church and established Protestantism (commonly reffered to by the generic name of "Christians" in the U.S., since there are many denominations (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, +32,000 more denominations) to the point where many of the groups are not recognized if called by their formal names). Protestants have lately earned a bad name for their "excessive preaching" to non-believers. Jesus had 12 apostoles, 5 of which established the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Jesus was born in Nazareth, most likely in the summer. Christmas is recognized by most churches to celebrate the birth of Christ (and not as Christ's ACTUAL birthday, which non-believers misunderstand) and Easter is the celebration of Jesus' return to life.
About 4,500,000,000 People believe in (a) God (75% of the world)
About 3,500,000,000 People acknowledge Jesus' holiness (Christians + Muslims) (77% of God Believers)
About 2,100,000,000 People acknowledge Jesus is God (Christians) (46% of God believers)
Of the 2.1 Billion Christians:
1.6 Billion are orthodox Christians (Catholics + Eastern Orthodoxies + Oriental Orthodoxies) (76% of Christians)
0.5 Billion are unorthodox Christians (Independents + Protestants) (23% of Christians)
Of the 1.6 Billion orthodox Christians
1.1 Billion are Roman Catholics (52% of All Christians)
0.4 Billion are Eastern Orthodox (19% of All Christians)
0.1 Billion are Oriental Orthodox or other Orthodox (4% of All Christians)
Of the 0.5 Billion unorthodox Christians
0.2 Billion are Independents (9% of All Christians)
0.3 Billion are Protestants (13% of All Christians)
by Espanhol March 1, 2006
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