A fuck boi (I had consent)

This person will always make you smile at the darkest times, he will be your only friend when you are going to commit suicide. He will prevent you and save your life. He is a extremely buff 14 yr old kid with dark hair and pale green eyes like emeralds. He will always have a 6+ inch ding dong ching chong ling long bing bong shing shong. Oh yeah he's asian. But do not underestimate his prowess, there is a 75% chance that he is a cannibal who longs for 6 year old chicks thighs. He licks his lips at the sight of them thicc cheecks.
"Oh shit its a jerry"
"This must be my lucky day"
"Yeah man he's the best!"
by RING RONG DING DONG GONE January 17, 2019
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A super smart, super handsome male. All the ladies love Jerry and will do anything to get him to love them back. Jerry is also an amazing friend. Everyone is friends with Jerry. Jerry is also super smart.
Man, Jerry is so cool and smart. I wish I could be like Jerry.
by HELLO456789 April 1, 2019
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May be unappealing to the naked eye or have serious dental issues but beneath all that clothing has a shlong dong
Ewww is that jerry?
Friend: he looks gross but I heard he has a monster cock
by I wish I was jerry April 24, 2019
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The ship that wee stannnnn hunnniiii🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🤍❤️💖🤍❤️💖🤍❤️💖🤍❤️💖🦋🦋✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Jerrie is beautiful
by Jerrie ones December 22, 2020
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After tabbogining, proceed to ride her up the stairs. Also known as the tow-rope
Sue gave me a jerry so I could tabbogin her back down.
by Mars Rover4 December 1, 2004
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WWI term used by the British Amry to refer to a German.
Here comes Jerry Bastard!
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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