2 definitions by RING RONG DING DONG GONE

One of the chosen ones from the 12 heavens of God with a capital G. He was a mixture of the heavenly aura of the Arch-angel gabriel and has a faint sent of THE one and only WWE champion Jesus christ. His presence will make you crumble into dust as it is an honor to even gaze at him. His body will always have 6 packs even in the womb. But as in Adam and Eve, he longs for a partner to spread his genitals into. However if he does that, he will become the second Lucifer. He tends to play with a spinning toy called a "Huberued-youshigoya-portausnl-tangleshubert-jerrylovingmotherfucker" also known as the "yoyo". Even when he has competition that are better than him. The people, the animals, the elements, the gods, fate, heaven and Hell will always favor him. He will always doubt himself at a young age in school, thinking he will never get good grades however he does indeed blackmail the teachers into giving him them A's and 8's through looking at the pedophile history each of them have. As a relationship material, a Marco will always be enchanting and turn you down while you try to give affection. This has been exampled through a young girl who was deemed worthy as his girlfriend named Natalie. However, he will eventually break up but you will always find yourself more attracted to him, his heavenly body. Even males will be enchanted by him. He also tends to attack genitals whenever he feels threatened.
"hey marco!"
*shins heavenly aura*
by RING RONG DING DONG GONE January 17, 2019
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A fuck boi (I had consent)

This person will always make you smile at the darkest times, he will be your only friend when you are going to commit suicide. He will prevent you and save your life. He is a extremely buff 14 yr old kid with dark hair and pale green eyes like emeralds. He will always have a 6+ inch ding dong ching chong ling long bing bong shing shong. Oh yeah he's asian. But do not underestimate his prowess, there is a 75% chance that he is a cannibal who longs for 6 year old chicks thighs. He licks his lips at the sight of them thicc cheecks.
"Oh shit its a jerry"
"This must be my lucky day"
"Yeah man he's the best!"
by RING RONG DING DONG GONE January 17, 2019
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