idc who you are if i EVER had a chance to be with jennifer akpofure i’m leaving you without hesitation bc she is just TOO fine. like she is VERY SEXCCCC. i’ll defend her for doing anything idc what it is but i’ll always be 2 steps behind her
friend 1: you heard jenn carter got beat up in the airport?
me: i promise you i don’t care i still love her more than anything
by jenncarterswife August 2, 2023
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While dating a Jenn, a period of 1 month in reality is equal to what feels like 6 months. Similar to dog years
We only dated for 2 months, but that’s a year in Jenn years
by Leroy trumpet November 5, 2020
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Way too cool for her own good!
Damn... that's Jenn Browne!
by JBrowne74 October 18, 2011
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She is the most beautiful, loving,kind hearted, always there for you girl. You think she fell from heaven when you fall in love with her. She is known to be the sexiest girl whos ever walked the planet. You think your dreaming when your with her because your life is so amazing with her. The greatest girl you will ever meet. No one compares to her. She is the best thing to ever happen to you.
Jenn Brodie she is a fox, She is my little brittle
by JmP October 30, 2013
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A story that is comprised completely of a "you-had-to-be-there" scenario. Usually, a person who tells a story such as this tend to do it 95% of the time of telling said stories. These are never stories meant to be heard.
Girl 1: "So, I went to the mall, and I walked passed this guy who totally gave me a weird look. I like, had to keep walking away from him, because I had no idea why he gave me that look! Isn't that hilarious?!"
Girl 2: "...This was another Jenn Story. Thanks for wasting my time."
by Snorris July 30, 2009
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two young girls who get hit on constantly by dirty old men at the summit. they are extremely hott but for some reason they attract these odd commodities.
those poor girls they must be lynn and jenn...i'll save you!
by kathleen October 26, 2004
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