"The Goods"

The goods can be used in any context in any type of sentence. Mostly used as a pronoun, "the goods" ususally means something positive, and is a direct object.
I was getting "the goods". (The goods, in this case, is ANYTHING).

She is "the goods".

Oh Yup. "The Goods".

Jimmy "The Goods" Martin

Wheres the beer? Oh, you mean "the goods?"

I'm hungry, lets get "the goods".
by Paul "Bonnie" April 24, 2007
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common term used in Glenmary meaning not good or very bad. Originally spoken by Grant Ohlmann.
Person A: Dude, my beer just fell in my bag!
Person B: No good!
by A4L-MJG September 10, 2008
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(n.) high quality kind bud that often results in a near catatonic state
Say bra, you want to come over and hit a bowl of the good?
by erxxxleben November 14, 2006
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Absolute greatness. Used to describe the achievment of pure perfection. The state of being truly unbelievable
Look at that hat, i mean that thing is good!
by Tyler Durden March 20, 2005
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