Probably if there was ever one, an generic anime. It can be called a newb anime, beacause it was one of the first animes to be introduced to America. With that said the people new to anime thought it was cool, and didn't know that there are much better animes out there. The anime is filled with countless fillers that hinder the actual developement of anything interesting. The plot is dismal, and revolves around searching for jewel shards and figthing only one main villian, so naturally you would think fighting only one villian that the anime would be medium length, HELL NO! The anime goes on for ages getting no where! I have yet to see an episode where they actually have a good drawn out fight scene, it just sickens me that people think this is good anime. Only thing worse about this anime are the RIFs(rapid inuyasha fans) Who spout random nonsense about inuyasha being the best anime in the world, a good example of the RIFs are all the people who gave a thumbs down on good definitions of their bad anime.
Man 1: Yo, lets go party!
Man 2: No man, I'm watching inuyasha
Man 1: pft, it's probably a filler lets go!
Man 2: No, I think something is actually going to happen this time!

30 mins later
Man 1: So was it worth missing the party?
Man 2: Well kinda, they walked around in the forest for a long time and talked about how they're going to get Naraku!
Man 1: Inuyasha sucks
Man 2: No, it rules!!!
Man 1: Fucking RIF
by hdevonxz July 12, 2006
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Overrated and overcosplayed anime.
I'm otaku and I believe Inu-Yasha is overrated.
by Geek-O-Man February 15, 2005
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Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatura, and Maison Ikkoku are all much better than Inuyasha.
by darksoulexile May 5, 2005
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an anime made by rukimo takahashi, the main character, InuYasha is a half-demon from futal japan. a 16 year old school girl, kagome falls down a well and goes back in time to this era of time where she meets inuyasha, and they fall in love and they spend their time finding the jewel shards of the shikon no tama, which gives much power to youkai (demons). this is the starting of the anime..... i am obsessed with it and if u are reading this.... u are 2 probably lol.
InuYasha in a santance: InuYasha is badass.
example: sees explosion 2 houses away from me. **runs away as fast as i can** **sees inuyasha on the tv** **stops running and sits on the couch** ...... **sees ppl screaming that are on fire** ....... **ignores them... inuyasha is on.. i dont kare right now**
by InuYashaFreak64 from youtube September 28, 2007
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A so-so anime, dont get me wrong, the action scenes and caracter development(although slow) are rather well done, same thing goes for the look of each caracter(though, I be wondering if old Inu be compensating for "something", what with that huge sword) Another good thing about it is the fan base, its large with mostly freindly (though....ummm....grammerless) people (Unless you offend there Inu-loving ways), Most of them watching out of curiocity(like I said, plot advancement slow, so your gonna wana watch it) with rather interesting music in it.
(For those of you who like it, check out DBZ, Gungrave, and maybe even Read or Die)

Though, the art only got the necisary details in it, and it tends to be a wee bit lazy in shading, aswell as the dialouge is pretty bad(The voice acting, and Adult Swim has yet to show any new episodes(to my knowleage) in a REALLY long time.....
Me: Whell, the chat seems dead....
(8 hours later)
Me:........sooooo, who like Inu Yasha?
Horny Fangirl: L31K 0MG INY S0000000 H0000000T 1 L31K W4N4 SUCK HIS DIKKKKKORZ!!!!!!!111111SHIFTONE! B3C4US3 1 L31K T0 MAKE M1S3LF L00K L31K AN 1D1OT! 4ND 1 H8 T0 H4V3 4N 0P3N MYND T0 0TH3R 4N1M30RSS!
Hater: Not only am I gonna judge who you are purly by your spelling and grammer, but I am also gonna try to do some permanant damage, to KILL YOU! Inuyasha truly sucks, and everyone who likes that obnocious wolf-idiot should not only die, but should die a torturus and painful death, by the hands of there own mother!
Me: Excuse me while I set up a chalk-board to take bets on who will win.....

(Disclaimr: I am not saying either side is right or wrong, im just trying to get a laugh outa both sides!)
by Fast_Bear May 4, 2005
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The best anime show ever!!!!

Better than all the rest..seriously, it is. Actually intersting, not too violent, not just about fantasy characters, but some real people too.

Inuyasha is on adult swim on cartoon network...WATCH IT NOW!!!!! buy the overpriced box set dvds!!!!!

you too will become addicted! @_@
by Home Gurl November 7, 2006
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a decent show if your bored
it ain't anything on, i guess i can watch inuYasha.wait a minute porn would be better. actually i 'll watch both.
by T-nice May 6, 2005
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