A religious freedom to obtain anything that normally requires a purchase as long as the individual has their education (Diploma,Degree,G.E.D)
I did not have the money to afford to pay bus fair to go to church so I expressed my religion via Capital Immunity to avoid the fair.
by TheWon(one) October 25, 2017
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A person who has complete control over their sexual desires. Also a person with no sexual frustrations and is an absolute sex god/goddess
Kylie: OMG did you and Mark fuck last night?

Ave: No I'm waiting for the right moment

Kylie: wow you must be sexually immune, because a guy like him is too irresistible
by TheAnswerToAllYourPrayers November 7, 2017
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Shipping is the act of one wanting/supporting two individuals involved in a romantic relationship. Shipping immunity is something people have if they're already in a relationship, it grants them the power of (you guessed it) being immune to being shipped.
Z: can we ship Diavolo and Y?
A: no, Diavolo has shipping immunity, he already has someone
by Clearly not Diavolo March 22, 2021
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Statutes that protect snow plow operators from liability for damaging your property.
A snow plow took out my mailbox, but I couldn't sue the city thanks to diplowmatic immunity.
by very_clever_pseudonym October 8, 2021
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Someone who tragically does not understand the appeal of sexy, fast cars.
I love the new BMW convertible but my husband is Auto Immune and drives a boring SUV.
by Faster Redhead December 15, 2021
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Refers to the human race's unwritten legal code ("The System") that exempts dead people from being responsible/punishable for unwise or offensive action.
Thanks to the rules of the immune system, dead people cannot be blamed or caused to feel regret for prejudiced remarks, as is shown in the following infamous comic conversation from television.
Achmad the Dead Terrorist: I would not kill the Jews... I would just toss a penny between them, and watch them fight to the death over it! Or in the case of a couple Catholic priests, I would toss in a small boy!
Jeff Dunham: Stop it, Achmad! You can't be telling racist jokes on my show! It offends people!
Achmad the Dead Terrorist: Well, I'm already dead, so what do I care?
{{audience guffaws}}
Achmad the Dead Terrorist: SILENCE!!! I KEEL you!
by QuacksO November 23, 2013
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