The true term for Ike Ike, is to say Fuck You. It's Street Slang. Go, Go. Is incorrect. Fuck You is correct.
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Internet Kid, as used in ageplay. Referred to a person who is actually an adult, but plays a child for an Internet Daddy or Mommy.
by lallet March 4, 2006
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Teh mastar of butsechs and man lovin'
<iK> Damn I love man juiced flowing out of my ass.
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17:33 <iK> i think i need to quit fapping for awhile though, im losing my shot day by day
by MajinTincan March 26, 2003
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The most sexy leeb op in Jit's Evil Gamging.
15:56 <S0V13T> All hail iK!
by iK March 26, 2003
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The rough come down from Crystal Meth. Crystal meth is also called Tina. Ike Turner beat Tina Turner, so the harsh comedown from Tina can be equated to the beatings Tina received from Ike Turner.
Girl, you did so much Tina last night. You know Ike is gonna be knocking on your door any time now.
by sketchygurl September 17, 2010
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-You know water sheep died

-*Ik* im still sad
by Denizlol69 July 22, 2019
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