A very friendly man of Asian descent. He has the stance of a police officer and is nicknamed "Mr. Hung" by the students he substitute teaches. This man has infinite knowledge on absolutely everything, especially on bicycles. He is certified to operate a forklift, be a librarian, and even work with anthrax. Basically, he's the epitome of awesomeness to come to a rural high school.
Student 1: Who's the sub for today?
Student 2: Mr. Hing!
Student 1: BOO-YAH!
by IBA214 May 28, 2011
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n. A syn. for the word redneck

adj. Anything dealing with the redneck culture
(n.) Look at that hing ding over there fishing with a stick.
(adj.) That redneck over there thinks he's all that with his hing ding pick em' up truck.
by borthycleeaz July 20, 2010
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When you kick an object full force with the intention of damaging something or someone.
"Hawl you , punt this hing ... NOW!"
by Bonemasonary August 1, 2018
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wrapped not too tightly,

rattling the frame,
seperated from your center
otherwise shook up
he really came off the hinges when he punched that man.
by ghost0 January 12, 2018
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Tim tired of all these hinge hoes playin games.
by pandapon February 19, 2022
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The continued bobbing of the head,of a person falling asleep and waking back up.
Dude 1: That cat up front has serious HINGE NECK.
Dude 2:Yeah bro. he's gonna miss his stop.
by fishkiller 41 February 14, 2011
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Well adjusted // is a grounded person with a stable background

Origin: Lucy Jarvis, 23, of Tasmania
The girl who works at Lights Lights Lights is well hinged, people are drawn to her and use her as their daily motivation to be a better human.
by ILZ911 June 26, 2019
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