Someone who is aroace
But it can change, it could be on a day to day basis

One day they could be 100% ace and another only 40%
“Hey yk I’m not feeling like I have much romantic attraction today”
Next day

“Hey I don’t have any attraction today”
“Oh you could be aroace flux”
by Caterpillar7 April 23, 2022
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These are what car enthusiasts (typically mustang owners) like to put on their cars in order for their cars to be able to shoot flames from the exhaust tip(s).
Daric thinks he’s cool due to his flux capacitor powered 5.0 mustang
by Issav8 April 24, 2019
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Man 1: That show was fluxed man.
Man 2: What do you mean?
Man 1: Ya know, Fluxed up.
by Fixie Skid March 8, 2010
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Flux Capacitor ~ An electrical component used to temporarily store the force of an electric or magnetic feild consisting f two(2) or moe ufaces seperted by a nonconductor dielectric
Doc: "This is what makes time travel possible, the Flux Capacitor."
by ERcubed February 5, 2006
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(Drinking Game) Three people put to cups of beer in front of them and there is one full cup in the center. The contestants drink the first to beers as fact as they can, the slowest drinks the last beer. Put the cups of beer in the shape of the flux capacitor. If you don't know what a flux capacitor looks like rent Back to the Future.
by Jtron 3000 April 28, 2003
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An orientation of the acespec usually referring to someone who’s romantic and sexual attraction fluctuates.
Person 1: Hey I’m Aroace flux!
Person 2: What’s that?
Person 1: Aroace flux means my romantic and sexual attraction fluctuates or changes!
by Almost_Lemons September 23, 2022
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combination of Red Bull and Jager. also known as a Jager-bomb. the combination of these drinks makes Time Travel (blacking out) possible.
Bartender give me a Flux capacitor (no bartender knows this name for a drink.....yet)
by djmx21 March 29, 2008
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