When your LCD digital TV stops working, and you have to get your old analog cathode ray tube (CRT) TV and digital converter box back out and plug them in.
Damn! The Super Bowl is about to start, and I'm having LCD flashback!
by Biff Skippy February 7, 2010
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A beautiful lady who is hydrated and wears 10x of makeup thats what people say and still can't get a boyfriend.
Person 1: OMG!!! Is that the lady who is hydrated or is that Billy the Puppet.

Person 2: I Don't know but she kinda looks like Flashback Mary.
by 78778 December 7, 2020
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The flashback-effect is a situation at which one reads something and pictures it in his or her mind with the blurry border, as if it were a scene in a television show and the protagonist were encountering a flashback.
My brother Landon would be twenty-two in a couple days if it weren’t for the shooting right next to where I was sitting. He always came to the skate park with his best friends Cameron and Liam when we were all little kids, and he went boasting to our family about his marvelous skateboarding skills. He started going at age twelve, but he was utterly forced to stop at age eighteen by the bullet that stroke straight between his eyes. . . . If you guys are getting the flashback-effect when reading the part about Landon, picture him as Colin Ford kay?

(This is from the book "Amore → j.hills" by @/amerrickanbeauty on Wattpad)
by vacuous April 13, 2015
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(n.) an emotional experience triggered by someone else's ringtone. The particular ringtone is typically associated with a specific event or person. This event occurs often with iPhone users because of its popularity and limited ringtone options.
1) Steve's ringtone is my alarm on my phone. Every time he gets a call I have a RINGTONE FLASHBACK, and I want to stab him in the neck.

2) So every time Sally gets a text message, I kinda get a half-chub. She has the same ringtone as April-Big-Cans. I get a RINGTONE FLASHBACK to last summer every time.
by Wrat9000 December 14, 2010
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A very specific feeling you have when you listen to cheesy 80's music.
"Dude, I just had an amazing "Flashdance-flashback" when Paul lent me his Best of the 80s CD.
by Stwood02 April 30, 2009
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When you’ve been traumatized and get flashbacks every Friday.
I think I forgot about ‘Nam for the week, then Friday comes and I get another flashback. Then repeat. I call that the Flashback Friday
by WillieSmith May 13, 2018
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