9 definitions by Biff Skippy
1. (adverb) The ultimate of sexy, drop-dead sexy, übersexy, sexy above all, sexiest, nothing sexier.
2. (noun) Marina Orlova, the HotForWords girl.
2. (noun) Marina Orlova, the HotForWords girl.
by Biff Skippy February 7, 2010
"Inclement weather" means unpleasant weather, which is stormy, rainy, or snowy weather. However, the phrase inclimate weather often is mistakenly used when the speaker really means "inclement" weather.
Amos: This is the coldest summer we have had on record. We need to do something about anthropogenic climate change.
Ignore Amos: Dude, there ain't no global warming! It's colder than usual this week, and don't you remember that inclimate weather we had this winter? That was cold, too!
Amos: Anthropogenic climate change does not mean just global warming. It also includes unseasonably cooler weather due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Furthermore, cold weather in the winter is not inclimate weather. I think "inclement weather" is what you meant to say.
Ignore Amos: Dude, there ain't no global warming! It's colder than usual this week, and don't you remember that inclimate weather we had this winter? That was cold, too!
Amos: Anthropogenic climate change does not mean just global warming. It also includes unseasonably cooler weather due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Furthermore, cold weather in the winter is not inclimate weather. I think "inclement weather" is what you meant to say.
by Biff Skippy February 9, 2010
1. A psychodelic experience caused by your body metabolizing LSD stored in the fat of your body after LSD usage in the past.
2. Jerry Garcia's revenge
2. Jerry Garcia's revenge
by Biff Skippy February 7, 2010
I swear, Officer, he backed into a fire hydrant and I had to use a golf club to break out a window in his car so he could get out! I didn't hit him with a nine iron and then give him a tiger uppercut!
by Biff Skippy February 8, 2010
An acid flashback.
by Biff Skippy February 7, 2010
Often mistakenly used when the phrase "inclement weather" should be used, the phrase "inclimate weather" actually means "unseasonable weather" due to climate change.
"Inclement weather" means "unpleasant weather which is stormy, rainy, or snowy," and that can also be the meaning of "inclimate weather" when the weather is supposed to be pleasant. However, when the climate and the time of year normally would bring stormy, rainy, or snowy weather, "inclimate weather" is sunny or pleasant weather.
"Inclement weather" means "unpleasant weather which is stormy, rainy, or snowy," and that can also be the meaning of "inclimate weather" when the weather is supposed to be pleasant. However, when the climate and the time of year normally would bring stormy, rainy, or snowy weather, "inclimate weather" is sunny or pleasant weather.
Amos: This is the coldest summer we have had on record. We need to do something about anthropogenic climate change.
Ignore Amos: Dude, there ain't no global warming! It's colder than usual this week, and don't you remember that inclimate weather we had this winter? That was cold, too!
Amos: Anthropogenic climate change does not mean just global warming. It also includes unseasonably cooler weather due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Furthermore, cold weather in the winter is not inclimate weather. I think "inclement weather" is what you meant to say.
Ignore Amos: Dude, there ain't no global warming! It's colder than usual this week, and don't you remember that inclimate weather we had this winter? That was cold, too!
Amos: Anthropogenic climate change does not mean just global warming. It also includes unseasonably cooler weather due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Furthermore, cold weather in the winter is not inclimate weather. I think "inclement weather" is what you meant to say.
by Biff Skippy February 8, 2010
by Biff Skippy February 7, 2010