A delicious treat easily made by going to the nearest abortion clinic, rooting through the dumpster, and putting your spoils in a deep fryer.
"Well, I ran out of green beans, but luckily I can re-heat some fetus nuggets that I made last week."
by ChickenMcNooblet February 6, 2009
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man josh i just had the tastiest fetus burger ever man i can make u one if u want
by phrak01010101 July 25, 2010
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The smallest bowl of weed. Ever. That still gets you high.
You only brought enough weed for a f*cking fetus bowl, jackass.
by iBarney Ballsack October 11, 2010
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A poor, misunderstood soul often linked to by inconsiderate people in attempt to scare others. These people do not understand pain and that children born with such a disease are nothing to be made fun of and are humans just like them. Of course, the disease is upsetting to many, however, the agony that a harlequin fetus is cursed with is far worse than the shock anyone could receive from viewing an image of their suffering.
A harlequin fetus wouldn't want to scare you; it was born that way. You don't have control over the fact that you are born without a skin disease, so why should people blame it for that?
by Johno Bono August 27, 2005
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The pain resulting from spraying a cheesy, bloody substance from your penis while urinating. This usually results in the subject spraying said matter into the urinal while trying to have a conversation with a co-worker. Spraying subject usually spends the next few hours rocking back-and-forth in pain. The subject then becomes eligible for a complete anal exam and a trip to the "Special Room" where a camera (replete with cord) is inserted into the urethra.
Trevor had severe Chicken Fetus the other day and is now going to see the doctor.
by Humper Dumper March 25, 2011
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A Canadian band which consisted of 3 girls and Crystal Castles lead vocalist, Alice Glass. Before Glass was famous, this was the band she was in at age 15.
Hey you know that band, Fetus Fatale?" "No, who's that?" "It's the band Alice Glass was in before she was in Crystal Castles !
by CCISMYHEROIN November 4, 2010
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