She is sweet but sad she lies to everyone to protect herself The 'blonde' sometime seeps into her brain but she is smart she acts like nothing phases her but it all effects her a lot don't mess with her she will beat you into the ground she will always forgive you no matter what you do to her she loves her friends and family and will defend them she is independent she is someone to have a great time she will fake being healthy to have fun she cares about school/work more than she will show she loves animals
person 1 did you hear Elizabeth beat up john
Pearson 2 Why???
Person 1 I don't know
Elizabeth I wanted to he annoyed me
by HailRussia September 28, 2019
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Elizabeth is the most beautiful girl ever she has the most amazing eyes her laugh is just amazing everything about her is the best I love her so much she’s my world she only gets my attention nobody can replace her she so caring she thinks she’s ugly but she’s not she’s gorgeous I love her to death she makes me so happy waking up in the morning I love looking at my wallpaper she is so beautiful to look at❤️-gabe
See that girl over there her name is Elizabeth back off she’s mine
by 0923 September 25, 2019
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A beautiful Red-headed girl, who is probably one of the coolest people ever. Also known as "Sunshine."
"I hung out with Elizabeth last night. It was a lot of fun!"
by Katie Jayne January 6, 2007
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Girls by this name are normally depicted as the most gorgeous, smart, caring and awesome people that have ever roamed the earth. These seemingly angels from heaven are, and everyone agrees with me, the best thing that has happened to the world. However most elizabeths have the problem of being obsessed with Justin Bieber
Me: Betcha whatever her name is Elizabeth
*She comes closer*
*Guy Faints*
Elizabeth: What's his problem?
Me: Nothing... it's probably that your gorgeousness knocked him out... Oh Well
by Julord1234/JAXXX November 26, 2010
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An intelligent and independent person, always ready to grasp opportunities that come her way. You don't want to miss out on knowing Elizabeth. She is one of the best people you could meet, and you'd be lucky if you did. She is caring, kind and looks out for people, especially those she holds close to her. She has a golden heart and always tries to see the best in people, never failing to be the best version of herself as she can. Although she may sometimes think less of herself and judge herself too hard, she is pure gold. She is beautiful in every way possible. She is the the person you need when you are sad and when you are happy, she will take care of you and make you truly smile. She is simply the best. So if you get a chance to meet an Elizabeth, don't let her go!
She's so gorgeous, she reminds me of Elizabeth.
by honeybee99 April 29, 2018
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If everything pure and beautiful in this world was mixed together, then added to all the dreams and wonders of this world, then coloured by the skies and forests, then favoured by the rippest fruits and sweetest tastes, then mixed with the smiles and laughs of love and happiness you would get something beyond perfection known as Elizabeth Henning.
She is the most beautiful being, inside and out, in everything she is and does.
She is beyond this world and will achieve great things one day; she can achieve more than the stars.
"Why is are the stars so bright?", Sam said. "Because Elizabeth smiled at them." , Jeremiah replied.
by The stars and moon above August 29, 2017
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