when there is an eel on a musk
Jo: "Did u see elon must at the so"
Bo: " no i saw an eel on musk"
by elonmusk42069 February 21, 2019
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Waiting for the perfect moment before you climax, then dick slapping her in the face. If ones right it leaves behind a trail of slime like slapping someone with a eel.
Person 1: I fucking my girl and I was like "hold on babe I amount to cum." I pulled out and did an eel slap on her face.
by YabingYang November 28, 2016
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A limp penis that has been stroked to the point of ejaculation causing the semen to ooze out and become a lubricant for the final strokes of masturbation.
After he forgot to take his Viagra, and his date went home disappointed, the old man rubbed his flaccid dick and settled for a slippery eel.
by bliponthescreen February 4, 2011
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a condom, especially a discarded one (because they are often seen floating in the New York Harbor)
There was a Manhattan eel everywhere you looked.
by The Return of Light Joker February 8, 2008
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When your poop is so long that the end of your turd hides in the dark of the toilet bowl, and the head of the turd comes out of the water to get fresh air.
Old lady 1... "did you see how big my stool was?"

Old lady 2... "yea, it was huge, but it was no breathing eel!"
by the magic pooper January 31, 2012
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Givin a chick an underwater zap, where the bitch gets a swirly and the shocker at the same time.
Gwendolyn was pretty freaky, but wasn't down when I gave her the electric eel.
by Mele Kalikimaka August 18, 2009
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A horrible, long, slimy turd that slips a little too easily out of your ass as if on it's own free will. Aka K-19 - The Widowmaker. A Kursk.
A brown eel just made a bid for freedom out of my shit pipe. It was as long as one of those Subway sandwiches.
by Doyle69 March 1, 2009
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