Devyn is a crazy, childish, bossy, sassy, smart ass, petty, stuck up, ugly, wannabe, girl that looks like boy, doesn’t know how to dress, little brat, THAT CANT GET BOYS
Ew is that Devyn
by Ashley1010101 September 10, 2019
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Devyn is a crazy, childish, petty, wannabe, rude, bossy, ugly, stuck up, un popular, girl that looks like boy, little brat, AND CANT GET BOYS
Ew is that Devyn
by Ashley1010101 September 10, 2019
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He is such a cool boy plus really popular and if you have him as a friend he will mostly look at you in a way where it makes you feel comfortable and happy to even have him in your life. People who don't like Devyn should fuck off because he is sensitive and if you try to hurt him he might not come to school for 2 or 3 days.
Wow Devyn the "Man" is so nice I could almost feel like there is nothing I can do for him to stop looking at me.
by halo lowis May 23, 2022
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dirty Devyn a single man who acts depressed when he really isn't, this "man" trys to act tough for his dad just to make him proud.
Roses are red violets are blue

dirty devyn is single and so are you
by halo lowis May 21, 2022
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devyn is fake with fake friends. It's just that he is to blind to see it...
Oh lord there goes devyn morris the "man"
by halo lowis May 17, 2022
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Usually a fat dude, that have physically relationships with other boys; or the fat dude who went to jail for raping boys,
Devyn is a mad man.
by Manatoi November 10, 2017
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