An album by The Weeknd released January 7th, 2022
1st dude: Hey bro, have you heard dawn fm yet?
2nd dude: nah bro who’s it by?
1st dude: The Weeknd bro. You should really check it out. Don’t forget to rep XO
2nd dude: for sure bro
by wkndzwife January 7, 2022
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The asscrack of dawn is the time of day just before the crack of dawn when it is just about still dark; it is the time at which one might get out of bed if attending an urgent appointment at the crack of dawn.
John woke up at the asscrack of dawn with the intent to get to the shops just as they opened for the post-christmas sales in order to avoid getting trampled buy eager bargain-hunters.
by fluorescent April 17, 2009
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Esther Dawn is a loving; compassionate, warm, affectionate, and beautiful woman with a great sense of humor.
She puts others first, she loves life, is hard working and takes great care of herself.
She has a wonderful sense of style and elegance.
She is THE definition of a woman.
She first became mine on 1/11/1984 and I let her slip away.
She will be mine officially on 1/11/2011 as my wife.
Now anyone can look up "Esther Dawn" in Urban dictionary and read about what a wonderful woman she is!
I love you Esther!
by Mel-man August 18, 2010
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Big Dawn is a guy who is THE MAN himself, someone who takes shit from no one, does whatever he pleases, and will have any woman he wants; A mountain of a man if you will.
Originating from an actual man who was very large in size and practically ran the small town of green cove springs, FL.
"Son I'm Big Dawn!!!"
"He totally Big Dawn'd her last night"
"Big Dawn on the microphone leave my throne alone holme!"
by Big Dawn June 19, 2017
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A $10 expansion for Destiny 2 following the events of Season of Undying. This expansion mostly revolves around the consequences caused by the guardians killing off the many thousands of copies of the Undying Minds throughout the time stream. This season also introduced us to a legendary guardian from centuries ago known as Saint-14, who died in the Infinite Forest of the Vex those many years ago.
Person1: How do you like Season of Dawn?
Person2: It's okay but I needed subtitles to understand Saint-14 from his thick ass accent
by <<NSA>> December 16, 2019
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