A guy that us intellectually stupid but makes an effort to be smart and grades are extremely good
by Unc13ar pr0f11e July 24, 2019
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Daryl is another word for "retarded" / act immaturely
"I'm so gonna Daryl tonight".
by Joshua Lipa January 8, 2018
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When a Fictional Character becomes so popular in a series, that the writers are forced to keep them alive until their popularity dies down within the Fan Base.
Man 1: I wish they'd hurry up and kill off Castiel!
Man 2: Sorry, but the Daryl Effect prevents that from happening!
by J.K Brolins May 31, 2017
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squishy face (ref. Jarhead 2005 film)

Ass burger

often referred to as someone that lives in their own little world, the dream world
'yeah that Daryll morrow, he's living in a dream world. What a squishy face.'
by the page master_no1 September 10, 2013
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Doing a Daryl is where you make yourself a hot chocolate and end up having 3 in the space of an hour and a half whilst playing COD online.
I've just done a daryl, it's 2pm and I've started on the hot choccy!
by Ad93 July 2, 2020
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