1.) A weird form of turrets or something, commonly associated with dancing by people who are between the age of 12 and 15.
2.) A purer form of THC/CBD that usually fucks you up.
1.) wow, what a cunt, dabbing is so gay.
2.) yo, hit this dab.
by AnonStoner December 18, 2016
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A common form of showing how much you hate puppies and Christmas
Everyone hated Christy for dabbing
by Qlysa November 15, 2016
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when you fool or prank someone, they are dabbed
Hahaha, you just got dabbed!
by thelimebean February 28, 2018
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The latest trend for hippies, hell bent on wasting their lives. It apparently gets you higher than just smoking weed, because just smoking weed apparently doesn't waste your life quickly enough.
That hippie spends so much time dabbing that he has no time to bathe or contribute to society.
by HippieH8er March 22, 2016
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one pound sterling. A Euro dab is a Euro.
by chambe02 September 7, 2009
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DAB is an acronym for drunk ass bitch. It is usually used to refer to a woman who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, and proceedingly acts trashy, obnoxious, bitchy, or simply idiotic.
Oh look, Tracy just did 10 shots of Jose Cuervo, and now she's dancing on the table in only her underwear and telling everyone that she has a really bad case of crabs... such a dab.
by Whyhello Sir February 8, 2011
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